How to Resist Austerity: the Case of the Gender Budgeting Strategy in Andalusia

Puig-Barrachina, Vanessa; Ruiz, Marisol E.; del Mar Garcia-Calvente, Maria; Malmusi, Davide; Sanchez, Esther; Camprubi, Lluis; Muntaner, Carles; Cortes-Franch, Imma; Artazcoz, Lucia; Borrell, Carme

VL / 24 - BP / 34 - EP / 55
While most countries have imposed austerity policies that risk jeopardizing the progress towards gender equality, there are examples of European regions that have maintained or strengthened gender-equality policies in a climate of economic downturn. Following a realist approach and adopting Kingdon's agenda-setting model as our framework, this explanatory case study examines how, why and under which circumstances the gender budgeting strategy has resisted austerity measures. This strategy represents a key tool for gender mainstreaming in Andalusia, a southern region of Spain. Results have shown that the existence of a strong left-wing government is a necessary context for the maintenance of gender equality policies. The feasibility given by the previous context of institutionalization of this strategy and its low cost, together with political commitment with a decisive contribution from female leadership have been the major factors allowing the maintenance of the gender budgeting strategy in Andalusia.

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