Trabajos de Jesús Fernández Gálvez

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  Listando 2 trabajos del autor/autora 37
Lista de trabajos en el área Geosciences
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Article How important is the description of soil unsaturated hydraulic conductivity values for simulating soil saturation level, drainage and pasture yield? Vogeler, Iris; Carrick, Sam; Lilburne, Linda; Cichota, Rogerio; Pollacco, Joseph; Fernandez-Galvez, Jesus JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 0022-1694 (2021) DOI / 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126257
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Article Improved prediction of water retention curves for fine texture soils using an intergranular mixing particle size distribution model Pollacco, J. A. P.; Fernandez-Galvez, J.; Carrick, S. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 0022-1694 (2020) DOI / 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124597