Trabajos de Carmen Freire Warden

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Clinical Medicine

  Listando 17 trabajos del autor/autora 38
Lista de trabajos en el área Clinical Medicine
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Article Determination of bisphenol A and bisphenol S concentrations and assessment of estrogen- and anti-androgen-like activities in thermal paper receipts from Brazil, France, and Spain Molina-Molina, J. M.; Jimenez-Diaz, I.; Fernandez, M. F.; Rodriguez-Carrillo, A.; Peinado, F. M.; Mustieles, V.; Barouki, R.; Piccoli, C.; Olea, N.; Freire, C. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 0013-9351 (2019) DOI / 10.1016/j.envres.2018.12.046
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Article Placental metal concentrations and birth outcomes: The Environment and Childhood (INMA) project Freire, Carmen; Amaya, Esperanza; Gil, Fernando; Murcia, Mario; Llop, Sabrina; Casas, Maribel; Vrijheid, Martine; Lertxundi, Aitana; Irizar, Amaia; Fernandez-Tardon, Guillermo; Vicente Castro-Delgado, Rafael; Olea, Nicolas; Fernandez, Mariana F. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYGIENE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1438-4639 (2019) DOI / 10.1016/j.ijheh.2018.12.014
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Article Association of urinary metal concentrations with blood pressure and serum hormones in Spanish male adolescents Castiello, Francesca; Olmedo, Pablo; Gil, Fernando; Molina, Marina; Mundo, Antonio; Romero, Raquel R.; Ruiz, Carlos; Gomez-Vida, Jose; Vela-Soria, Fernando; Freire, Carmen ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 0013-9351 (2020) DOI / 10.1016/j.envres.2019.108958
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Article Presence of Bisphenol A and Parabens in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: An Exploratory Study of Potential Sources of Exposure Iribarne-Duran, Luz M.; Artacho-Cordon, Francisco; Pena-Caballero, Manuela; Molina-Molina, Jose M.; Jimenez-Diaz, Inmaculada; Vela-Soria, Fernando; Serrano, Laura; Hurtado, Jose A.; Fernandez, Mariana F.; Freire, Carmen; Olea, Nicolas ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES 0091-6765 (2019) DOI / 10.1289/ehp5564 Green published, Green submitted, Gold
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Article Bisphenol A and adiposity measures in peripubertal boys from the INMA-Granada cohort Mustieles, Vicente; Casas, Maribel; Ferrando-Marco, Patricia; Ocon-Hernandez, Olga; Reina-Perez, Iris; Rodriguez-Carrillo, Andrea; Vela-Soria, Fernando; Perez-Lobato, Rock; Maria Navarrete-Munoz, Eva; Freire, Carmen; Olea, Nicolas; Fernandez, Mariana F. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 0013-9351 (2019) DOI / 10.1016/j.envres.2019.03.045
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Article Concentrations of perfluoroalkyl substances in donor breast milk in Southern Spain and their potential determinants Serrano, Laura; Ma Iribarne-Duran, Luz; Suarez, Beatriz; Artacho-Cordon, Francisco; Vela-Soria, Fernando; Pena-Caballero, Manuela; Hurtado, Jose A.; Olea, Nicolas; Fernandez, Mariana F.; Freire, Carmen INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYGIENE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1438-4639 (2021) DOI / 10.1016/j.ijheh.2021.113796 Green published, Hybrid
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Article Association of placental concentrations of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals with cognitive functioning in preschool children from the Environment and Childhood (INMA) Project Freire, Carmen; Vela-Soria, Fernando; Beneito, Andrea; Lopez-Espinosa, Maria-Jose; Ibarluzea, Jesus; Barreto, Florencia B.; Casas, Maribel; Vrijheid, Martine; Fernandez-Tardon, Guillermo; Riano-Galan, Isolina; Fernandez, Mariana F. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYGIENE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1438-4639 (2020) DOI / 10.1016/j.ijheh.2020.113597
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Article Association between pre/perinatal exposure to POPs and children's anogenital distance at age 4 years: A study from the INMA-Asturias cohort Garcia-Villarino, Miguel; Riano-Galan, Isolina; Cristina Rodriguez-Dehli, Ana; Freire, Carmen; Vizcaino, Esther; Grimalt, Joan O.; Tardon, Adonina; Fernandez-Somoano, Ana INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYGIENE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1438-4639 (2020) DOI / 10.1016/j.ijheh.2020.113563 Green published, Gold other
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Article Menstrual blood concentrations of parabens and benzophenones and related factors in a sample of Spanish women: An exploratory study Iribarne-Duran, L. M.; Domingo-Pinar, S.; Vela-Soria, F.; Barranco, E.; Olea, N.; Freire, C.; Artacho-Cordon, F.; Ocon-Hernandez, O. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 0013-9351 (2020) DOI / 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109228
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Article Occupational exposure to pesticides and hematological alterations: A survey of farm residents in the South of Brazil Piccoli, Camila; Cremonese, Cleber; Koifman, Rosalina; Koifman, Sergio; Freire, Carmen CIENCIA & SAUDE COLETIVA 1413-8123 (2019) DOI / 10.1590/1413-81232018246.13142017 Gold DOAJ
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Review Exposure to non-persistent pesticides and puberty timing: a systematic review of the epidemiological evidence Castiello, Francesca; Freire, Carmen EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY 0804-4643 (2021) DOI / 10.1530/eje-20-1038
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Article Association of occupational exposure to pesticides with overweight and abdominal obesity in family farmers in southern Brazil Araujo, Roberta Andressa Line; Cremonese, Cleber; Santos, Ramison; Piccoli, Camila; Carvalho, Jurema Santos Gabriela; Freire, Carmen; Canuto, Raquel INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH 0960-3123 (2021) DOI / 10.1080/09603123.2021.1991284
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Article Anogenital distance and reproductive outcomes in 9-to 11-year-old boys: the INMA-Granada cohort study Freire, C.; Ocon-Hernandez, O.; Davila-Arias, C.; Perez-Lobato, R.; Calvente, I.; Ramos, R.; Olea, N.; Fernandez, M. F. ANDROLOGY 2047-2919 (2018) DOI / 10.1111/andr.12544 Bronze
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Article Respiratory Hospitalizations and Their Relationship with Air Pollution Sources in the Period of FIFA World Cup and Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Campos, Elida; Pereira, Carlos Alexandre R.; Freire, Carmen; da Silva, Ilce F. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 1661-7827 (2021) DOI / 10.3390/ijerph18094716 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Article Exploring the relationship between metal exposure, BDNF, and behavior in adolescent males Rodriguez-Carrillo, Andrea; Mustieles, Vicente; D'Cruz, Shereen Cynthia; Legoff, Louis; Gil, Fernando; Olmedo, Pablo; Reina-Perez, Iris; Mundo, Antonio; Molina, Marina; Smagulova, Fatima; David, Arthur; Freire, Carmen; Fernandez, Mariana F. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYGIENE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1438-4639 (2021) DOI / 10.1016/j.ijheh.2021.113877 Hybrid
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Article Occupational exposure to pesticides, reproductive hormone levels and sperm quality in young Brazilian men Cremonese, Cleber; Piccoli, Camila; Pasqualotto, Fabio; Clapauch, Ruth; Koifman, Rosalina Jorge; Koifman, Sergio; Freire, Carmen REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY 0890-6238 (2017) DOI / 10.1016/j.reprotox.2017.01.001
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Article Association of Urinary Levels of Bisphenols A, F, and S with Endometriosis Risk: Preliminary Results of the EndEA Study Peinado, Francisco M.; Lendinez, Inmaculada; Sotelo, Rafael; Iribarne-Duran, Luz M.; Fernandez-Parra, Jorge; Vela-Soria, Fernando; Olea, Nicolas; Fernandez, Mariana F.; Freire, Carmen; Leon, Josefa; Perez-Cabrera, Beatriz; Ocon-Hernandez, Olga; Artacho-Cor INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 1661-7827 (2020) DOI / 10.3390/ijerph17041194 Gold DOAJ, Green published