Trabajos de Andrés Navarro Galera

Trabajos de Nombre

Economics & Business

  Listando 2 trabajos del autor/autora 37
Lista de trabajos en el área Economics & Business
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Article The impact of population size on the risk of local government default Buendia-Carrillo, Dionisio; Lara-Rubio, Juan; Navarro-Galera, Andres; Gomez-Miranda, Maria Elena INTERNATIONAL TAX AND PUBLIC FINANCE 0927-5940 (2020) DOI / 10.1007/s10797-020-09591-9
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Article A stimulus to transparency on sustainability in European local governments through population, socioeconomic, financial and legal factors Navarro-Galera, Andres; Ortiz-Rodriguez, David; Jose Alcaraz-Quiles, Francisco SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING-REVISTA ESPANOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDA 0210-2412 (2019) DOI / 10.1080/02102412.2019.1629204