Trabajos de Marta Rodrigo Gámiz

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  Listando 5 trabajos del autor/autora 37
Lista de trabajos en el área Geosciences
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Article Algal lipids reveal unprecedented warming rates in alpine areas of SW Europe during the industrial period Garcia-Alix, Antonio; Toney, Jaime L.; Jimenez-Moreno, Gonzalo; Perez-Martinez, Carmen; Jimenez, Laura; Rodrigo-Gamiz, Marta; Anderson, R. Scott; Camuera, Jon; Jimenez-Espejo, Francisco J.; Pena-Angulo, Dhais; Ramos-Roman, Maria J. CLIMATE OF THE PAST 1814-9324 (2020) DOI / 10.5194/cp-16-245-2020 Gold DOAJ, Green accepted, Green published
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Article Rapid Climate Changes in the Westernmost Mediterranean (Alboran Sea) Over the Last 35 kyr: New Insights From Four Lipid Paleothermometers (U-37(K'), TEX86H, RI-OH', and LDI) Morcillo-Montalba, L.; Rodrigo-Gamiz, M.; Martinez-Ruiz, F.; Ortega-Huertas, M.; Schouten, S.; Damste, J. S. Sinninghe PALEOCEANOGRAPHY AND PALEOCLIMATOLOGY (2021) DOI / 10.1029/2020pa004171
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Article Minor changes in biomarker assemblages in the aftermath of the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction event at the Agost distal section (Spain) de Oca, Claudia Sosa-Montes; Rodrigo-Gamiz, Marta; Martinez-Ruiz, Francisca; Rodriguez-Tovar, Francisco J.; Manuel Castro, Jose; Luisa Quijano, M.; Pancost, Richard D. PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY 0031-0182 (2021) DOI / 10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110310
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Article Controls on Primary Productivity in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific, East of the Galapagos Islands, During the Penultimate Deglaciation Quiros-Collazos, Lucia; Calvo, Eva; Schouten, Stefan; van der Meer, Marcel T. J.; Rodrigo-Gamiz, Marta; Pena, Leopoldo D.; Cacho, Isabel; Pelejero, Carles PALEOCEANOGRAPHY AND PALEOCLIMATOLOGY 2572-4517 (2020) DOI / 10.1029/2019pa003777 Green published
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Article Appraising timing response of paleoenvironmental proxies to the Bond cycle in the western Mediterranean over the last 20 kyr Rodrigo-Gamiz, Marta; Martinez-Ruiz, Francisca; Rodriguez-Tovar, Francisco J.; Pardo-Iguzquiza, Eulogio; Ortega-Huertas, Miguel CLIMATE DYNAMICS 0930-7575 (2018) DOI / 10.1007/s00382-017-3782-y