Trabajos de Signe Altmae

Trabajos de Nombre

Clinical Medicine

  Listando 16 trabajos del autor/autora 38
Lista de trabajos en el área Clinical Medicine
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Article Mapping the entire functionally active endometrial microbiota Sola-Leyva, Alberto; Andres-Leon, Eduardo; Molina, Nerea M.; Terron-Camero, Laura Carmen; Plaza-Diaz, Julio; Saez-Lara, Maria Jose; Gonzalvo, Maria Carmen; Sanchez, Rocio; Ruiz, Susana; Martinez, Luis; Altmae, Signe HUMAN REPRODUCTION 0268-1161 (2021) DOI / 10.1093/humrep/deaa372
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Article The Gut Microbiome in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Its Association with Metabolic Traits Lull, Kreete; Arffman, Riikka K.; Sola-Leyva, Alberto; Molina, Nerea M.; Aasmets, Oliver; Herzig, Karl-Heinz; Plaza-Diaz, Julio; Franks, Stephen; Morin-Papunen, Laure; Tapanainen, Juha S.; Salumets, Andres; Altmae, Signe; Piltonen, Terhi T.; Org, Elin JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM 0021-972X (2021) DOI / 10.1210/clinem/dgaa848
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Article The Gut Microbiome in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Its Association with Metabolic Traits Lull, Kreete; Arffman, Riikka K.; Sola-Leyva, Alberto; Molina, Nerea M.; Aasmets, Oliver; Herzig, Karl-Heinz; Plaza-Diaz, Julio; Franks, Stephen; Morin-Papunen, Laure; Tapanainen, Juha S.; Salumets, Andres; Altmae, Signe; Piltonen, Terhi T.; Org, Elin JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM (2021) DOI / 10.1210/clinem/dgaa848
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Article Endometrial receptivity revisited: endometrial transcriptome adjusted for tissue cellular heterogeneity Suhorutshenko, Marina; Kukushkina, Viktorija; Velthut-Meikas, Agne; Altmae, Signe; Peters, Maire; Magi, Reedik; Krjutskov, Kaarel; Koel, Mariann; Codoner, Francisco M.; Martinez-Blanch, Juan Fco.; Vilella, Felipe; Simon, Carlos; Salumets, Andres; Laisk, Tr HUMAN REPRODUCTION 0268-1161 (2018) DOI / 10.1093/humrep/dey301
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Review The seminal microbiome in health and disease Altmae, Signe; Franasiak, Jason M.; Mandar, Reet NATURE REVIEWS UROLOGY 1759-4812 (2019) DOI / 10.1038/s41585-019-0250-y
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Article Maternal Pre-Pregnancy Obesity Is Associated with Altered Placental Transcriptome Altmae, Signe; Segura, Maria Teresa; Esteban, Francisco J.; Bartel, Sabine; Brandi, Pilar; Irmler, Martin; Beckers, Johannes; Demmelmair, Hans; Lopez-Sabater, Carmen; Koletzko, Berthold; Krauss-Etschmann, Susanne; Campoy, Cristina PLOS ONE 1932-6203 (2017) DOI / 10.1371/journal.pone.0169223 Green submitted, Green published, Gold
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Article Maternal physical activity and sedentary behaviour before and during in vitro fertilization treatment: a longitudinal study exploring the associations with controlled ovarian stimulation and pregnancy outcomes Soritsa, Deniss; Maestu, Evelin; Nuut, Margit; Maestu, Jarek; Migueles, Jairo H.; Laanelaid, Siret; Ehrenberg, Aivar; Sekavin, Aire; Soritsa, Andrei; Salumets, Andres; Ortega, Francisco B.; Altmae, Signe JOURNAL OF ASSISTED REPRODUCTION AND GENETICS 1058-0468 (2020) DOI / 10.1007/s10815-020-01864-w
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Article Assessing the testicular sperm microbiome: a low-biomass site with abundant contamination Molina, Nerea M.; Plaza-Diaz, Julio; Vilchez-Vargas, Ramiro; Sola-Leyva, Alberto; Vargas, Eva; Mendoza-Tesarik, Raquel; Galan-Lazaro, Maribel; de Guevara, Nicolas Mendoza-Ladron; Tesarik, Jan; Altmae, Signe REPRODUCTIVE BIOMEDICINE ONLINE (2021) DOI / 10.1016/j.rbmo.2021.06.021
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Review Analysing endometrial microbiome: methodological considerations and recommendations for good practice Molina, Nerea M.; Sola-Leyva, Alberto; Haahr, Thor; Aghajanova, Lusine; Laudanski, Piotr; Castilla, Jose Antonio; Altmae, Signe HUMAN REPRODUCTION 0268-1161 (2021) DOI / 10.1093/humrep/deab009
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Article Meta-signature of human endometrial receptivity: a meta-analysis and validation study of transcriptomic biomarkers Altmae, Signe; Koel, Mariann; Vosa, Urmo; Adler, Priit; Suhorutsenko, Marina; Laisk-Podar, Triin; Kukushkina, Viktorija; Saare, Merli; Velthut-Meikas, Agne; Krjutskov, Kaarel; Aghajanova, Lusine; Lalitkumar, Parameswaran G.; Gemzell-Danielsson, Kristina; G SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2045-2322 (2017) DOI / 10.1038/s41598-017-10098-3 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Article Cardiorespiratory fitness in children with overweight/obesity: Insights into the molecular mechanisms Plaza-Florido, Abel; Altmae, Signe; Esteban, Francisco J.; Lof, Marie; Radom-Aizik, Shlomit; Ortega, Francisco B. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS 0905-7188 (2021) DOI / 10.1111/sms.14028 Green published, Hybrid
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Article Cross-disorder analysis of endometriosis and its comorbid diseases reveals shared genes and molecular pathways and proposes putative biomarkers of endometriosis Vargas, Eva; Aghajanova, Lusine; Gemzell-Danielsson, Kristina; Altmae, Signe; Esteban, Francisco J. REPRODUCTIVE BIOMEDICINE ONLINE 1472-6483 (2020) DOI / 10.1016/j.rbmo.2019.11.003
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Review Growth Hormone and Endometrial Receptivity Altmae, Signe; Aghajanova, Lusine FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY 1664-2392 (2019) DOI / 10.3389/fendo.2019.00653 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Article DNA methylation changes in endometrium and correlation with gene expression during the transition from pre-receptive to receptive phase Kukushkina, Viktorija; Modhukur, Vijayachitra; Suhorutsenko, Marina; Peters, Maire; Magi, Reedik; Rahmioglu, Nilufer; Velthut-Meikas, Agne; Altmae, Signe; Esteban, Francisco J.; Vilo, Jaak; Zondervan, Krina; Salumets, Andres; Laisk-Podar, Triin SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2045-2322 (2017) DOI / 10.1038/s41598-017-03682-0 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Article Distinct whole-blood transcriptome profile of children with metabolic healthy overweight/obesity compared to metabolic unhealthy overweight/obesity Plaza-Florido, Abel; Altmae, Signe; Esteban, Francisco J.; Cadenas-Sanchez, Cristina; Aguilera, Concepcion M.; Einarsdottir, Elisabet; Katayama, Shintaro; Krjutskov, Kaarel; Kere, Juha; Zaldivar, Frank; Radom-Aizik, Shlomit; Ortega, Francisco B. PEDIATRIC RESEARCH 0031-3998 (2020) DOI / 10.1038/s41390-020-01276-7
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Article Physical and Sedentary Activities in Association with Reproductive Outcomes among Couples Seeking Infertility Treatment: A Prospective Cohort Study Laanelaid, Siret; Ortega, Francisco B.; Kunovac Kallak, Theodora; Joelsson, Lana; Ruiz, Jonatan R.; Hreinsson, Julius; Wanggren, Kjell; Stavreus-Evers, Anneli; Kalda, Ruth; Salumets, Andres; Altmae, Signe INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 1661-7827 (2021) DOI / 10.3390/ijerph18052718 Green published, Gold