Trabajos de Mario Alberto Fernández Pantoja

Trabajos de Nombre

Computer Science

  Listando 2 trabajos del autor/autora 37
Lista de trabajos en el área Computer Science
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Article Analytical Expressions for the Mutual Coupling of Loop Antennas Valid From the RF to Optical Regimes Nagar, Jogender; Lu, Bing Qian; Pantoja, Mario F.; Werner, Douglas H. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION 0018-926X (2017) DOI / 10.1109/tap.2017.2754411 Green published, Hybrid
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Article SIVA UAV: A Case Study for the EMC Analysis of Composite Air Vehicles Cabello, Miguel R.; Fernandez, Sergio; Pous, Marc; Pascual-Gil, Enrique; Angulo, Luis D.; Lopez, Patricia; Riu, Pere J.; Gutierrez, Guadalupe G.; Mateos, Daniel; Poyatos, David; Fernandez, Mireya; Alvarez, Jesus; Pantoja, Mario F.; Anon, Manuel; Silva, Fer IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY 0018-9375 (2017) DOI / 10.1109/temc.2017.2648507 Green published