Policy makers' perceptions on the transformational effect of Web 2.0 technologies on public services delivery

Rodriguez Bolivar, Manuel Pedro

VL / 17 - BP / 227 - EP / 254
The growing participation in social networking sites is altering the nature of social relations and changing the nature of political and public dialogue. This paper contributes to the current debate on Web 2.0 technologies and their implications for local governance, identifying the perceptions of policy makers on the use of Web 2.0 in providing public services and on the changing roles that could arise from the resulting interaction between local governments and their stakeholders. The results obtained suggest that policy makers are willing to implement Web 2.0 technologies in providing public services, but preferably under the Bureaucratic model framework, thus retaining a leading role in this implementation. The learning curve of local governments in the use of Web 2.0 technologies is a factor that could influence policy makers' perceptions. In this respect, many research gaps are identified and further study of the question is recommended.

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