Intention to use new mobile payment systems: a comparative analysis of SMS and NFC payments

Liebana-Cabanillas, Francisco; de Luna, Iviane Ramos; Montoro-Rios, Francisco

VL / 30 - BP / 892 - EP / 910
The rapid growth of mobile technology among the world's population has led many companies to attempt to exploit mobile devices as an additional tool in the business of sales. In this sense, the main objective of our study resides in comparing the factors that determine the acceptance by consumers of the SMS (Short Message Service) and NFC (Near Field Communication) mobile payment systems as examples of means of future payment. The model used in our research applies the classic variables of the Technology Acceptance Model, as well as that of Perceived Security, a model deriving from the review of the major relevant recent literature. The results achieved in this study demonstrate that there are differences in the factors that determine the acceptance in each of the systems, as well as the level of the Intention to Use. Finally, we highlight the main implications for management and cite some strategies to reinforce this new business in the context of new technical developments.

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