Ecotoxicological assessment of soils polluted with chemical waste from lindane production: Use of bacterial communities and earthworms as bioremediation tools

Muniz, Selene; Gonzalvo, Pilar; Valdehita, Ana; Manuel Molina-Molina, Jose; Maria Navas, Jose; Olea, Nicolas; Fernandez-Cascan, Jesus; Navarro, Enrique

VL / 145 - BP / 539 - EP / 548
An ecotoxicological survey of soils that were polluted with wastes from lindane (gamma-HCH) production assessed the effects of organochlorine compounds on the metabolism of microbial communities and the toxicity of these compounds to a native earthworm (Allolobophora chlorotica). Furthermore, the bioremediation role of earthworms as facilitators of soil washing and the microbial degradation of these organic pollutants were also studied. Soil samples that presented the highest concentrations of epsilon-HCH, 2,4,6-trichlorophenol, pentachlorobenzene and gamma-HCH were extremely toxic to earthworms in the short term, causing the death of almost half of the population. In addition, these soils inhibited the heterotrophic metabolic activity of the microbial community. These highly polluted samples also presented substances that were able to activate cellular detoxification mechanisms (measured as EROD and BFCOD activities), as well as compounds that were able to cause endocrine disruption. A few days of earthworm activity increased the extractability of HCH isomers (e.g., gamma-HCH), facilitating the biodegradation of organochlorine compounds and reducing the intensity of endocrine disruption in soils that had low or medium contamination levels.

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