Imaging the Growth of Recent Faults: The Case of 2016-2017 Seismic Sequence Sea Bottom Deformation in the Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean)

Galindo-Zaldivar, J.; Ercilla, G.; Estrada, F.; Catalan, M.; d'Acremont, E.; Azzouz, O.; Casas, D.; Chourak, M.; Vazquez, J. T.; Chalouan, A.; Sanz De Galdeano, C.; Benmakhlouf, M.; Gorini, C.; Alonso, B.; Palomino, D.; Rengel, J. A.; Gil, A. J.

Publicación: TECTONICS
VL / 37 - BP / 2513 - EP / 2530
The Eurasian-African NW-SE oblique plate convergence produces shortening and orthogonal extension in the Alboran Sea Basin (westernmost Mediterranean), located between the Betic and Rif Cordilleras. A NNE-SSW broadband of deformation and seismicity affects the Alboran central part. After the 1993-1994 and 2004 seismic series, an earthquake sequence struck mainly its southern sector in 2016-2017 (main event M-w=6.3, 25 January 2016). The near-surface deformation is investigated using seismic profiles, multibeam bathymetry, gravity and seismicity data. Epicenters can be grouped into two main alignments. The northern WSW-ENE alignment has reverse earthquake focal mechanisms, and in its epicentral region recent mass transport deposits occur. The southern alignment consists of a NNE-SSW vertical sinistral deformation zone, with early epicenters of higher-magnitude earthquakes located along a narrow band 5 to 10-km offset westward of the Al Idrisi Fault. Here near-surface deformation includes active NW-SE vertical and normal faults, unmapped until now. Later, epicenters spread eastward, reaching the Al Idrisi Fault, characterized by discontinuous active NNE-SSW vertical fractures. Seismicity and tectonic structures suggest a westward propagation of deformation and the growth at depth of incipient faults, comprising a NNE-SSW sinistral fault zone in depth that is connected upward with NW-SE vertical and normal faults. This recent fault zone is segmented and responsible for the seismicity in 1993-1994 in the coastal area, in 2004 onshore, and in 2016-2017 offshore. Insights for seismic hazard assessment point to the growth of recent faults that could produce potentially higher magnitude earthquakes than the already formed faults. Key Points

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