Fine-mapping and functional studies highlight potential causal variants for rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes

Westra, Harm-Jan; Martinez-Bonet, Marta; Onengut-Gumuscu, Suna; Lee, Annette; Luol, Yang; Teslovich, Nikola; Worthington, Jane; Martin, Javier; Huizinga, Tom; Klareskog, Lars; Rantapaa-Dahlqvist, Solbritt; Chen, Wei-min; Quinlan, Aaron; Todd, John A.; Eyre

VL / 50 - BP / 1366 - EP / +
To define potentially causal variants for autoimmune disease, we fine-mapped(1,2) 76 rheumatoid arthritis (11,475 cases,15,870 controls)(3) and type 1 diabetes loci (9,334 cases, 11,111 controls)(4). After sequencing 799 1-kilobase regulatory (H3K4me3) regions within these loci in 568 individuals, we observed accurate imputation for 89% of common variants. We defined credible sets of <= 5 causal variants at 5 rheumatoid arthritis and 10 type 1 diabetes loci. We identified potentially causal missense variants at DNASE1L3, PTPN22, SH2B3, and TYK2, and noncoding variants at MEG3, CD28-CTLA4, and IL2RA. We also identified potential candidate causal variants at SIRPG and TNFAIP3. Using functional assays, we confirmed allele-specific protein binding and differential enhancer activity for three variants: the CD28-CTLA4 rs117701653 SNP, MEG3 rs34552516 indel, and TNFAIP3 rs35926684 indel.

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