Do EnChroma glasses improve color vision for colorblind subjects?

Gomez-Robledo, L.; Valero, E. M.; Huertas, R.; Martinez-Domingo, M. A.; Hernandez-Andres, J.

VL / 26 - BP / 28693 - EP / 28703
The commercialization of EnChroma glasses has generated great expectations for people to be able to see new colors or even correct color vision deficiency (CVD). We evaluate the effectiveness of these glasses using two complementary strategies for the first time. The first consists of using the three classical types of tests - recognition, arrangement and discrimination - with and without glasses, with a high number of individuals. In the second, we use the spectral transmittance of the glasses to simulate the appearance of stimuli in a set of scenes for normal observers and observers with CVD. The results show that the glasses introduce a variation of the perceived color, but neither improve results in the diagnosis tests nor allow the observers with CVD to have a more normal color vision. (C) 2018 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
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