The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS) Discovery of a global [C II] 158 mu m line excess in AGN HE 1353-1917

Husemann, B.; Busch, G.; Appleton, P.; Bethermin, M.; Combes, F.; Croom, S.; Davis, T. A.; Fischer, C.; Gaspari, M.; Groves, B.; Klein, R.; O'Dea, C. P.; Perez-Torres, M.; Scharwaechter, J.; Singha, M.; Tremblay, G. R.; Urrutia, T.

VL / 626 - BP / - EP /
The [C II]lambda 158 mu m line is one of the strongest far-infrared (FIR) lines and an important coolant in the interstellar medium of galaxies that is accessible out to high redshifts. The excitation of [C II] is complex and can best be studied in detail at low redshifts. Here we report the discovery of the highest global [C II] excess with respect to the FIR luminosity in the nearby AGN host galaxy HE 1353-1917. This galaxy is exceptional among a sample of five targets because the AGN ionization cone and radio jet directly intercept the cold galactic disk. As a consequence, a massive multiphase gas outflow on kiloparsec scales is embedded in an extended narrow-line region. Because HE 1353-1917 is distinguished by these special properties from our four bright AGN, we propose that a global [C II] excess in AGN host galaxies could be a direct signature of a multiphase AGN-driven outflow with a high mass-loading factor.

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Green submitted, Hybrid, Green accepted