Assessment of VINO filters for correcting red-green Color Vision Deficiency

Martinez-Domingo, Miguel A.; Gomez-Robledo, Luis; Valero, Eva M.; Huertas, Rafael; Hernandez-Andres, Javier; Ezpeleta, Silvia; Hita, Enrique

VL / 27 - BP / 17954 - EP / 17967
In our ongoing research on the effectiveness of different passive tools for aiding Color Vision Deficiency (CVD) subjects, we have analyzed the VINO 02 Amp Oxy-Iso glasses using two strategies: 1) 52 observers were studied using four color tests (recognition, arrangement, discrimination, and color-naming); 2) the spectral transmittance of the lenses were used to model the color appearance of natural scenes for different simulated CVD subjects. We have also compared VINO and EnChroma glasses. The spectral transmission of the VINO glasses significantly changed color appearance. This change would allow some CVD subjects, above all the deutan ones, to be able to pass recognition tests but not the arrangement tests. To sum up, our results support the hypothesis that glasses with filters are unable to effectively resolve the problems related to color vision deficiency. (C) 2019 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
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