Pseudomonas aeruginosa possesses three distinct systems for sensing and using the host molecule haem

Otero-Asman, Joaquin R.; Garcia-Garcia, Ana I.; Civantos, Cristina; Quesada, Jose M.; Llamas, Maria A.

VL / 21 - BP / 4629 - EP / 4647
Pathogens have developed several strategies to obtain iron during infection, including the use of iron-containing molecules from the host. Haem accounts for the vast majority of the iron pool in vertebrates and thus represents an important source of iron for pathogens. Using a proteomic approach, we have identified in this work a previously uncharacterized system, which we name Hxu, that together with the known Has and Phu systems, is used by the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa to respond to haem. We show that the Has and Hxu systems are functional signal transduction pathways of the cell-surface signalling class and report the mechanism triggering the activation of these signalling systems. Both signalling cascades involve an outer membrane receptor (HasR and HxuA respectively) that upon sensing haem in the extracellular medium produces the activation of an sigma(ECF) factor in the cytosol. HxuA has a major role in signalling and a minor role in haem acquisition in conditions in which the HasR and PhuR receptors or other sources of iron are present. Remarkably, P. aeruginosa compensates the lack of the HasR receptor by increasing the production of HxuA, which underscores the importance of haem signalling for this pathogen.

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