Formative Transcendence of Flipped Learning in Mathematics Students of Secondary Education

Lopez Belmonte, Jesus; Fuentes Cabrera, Arturo; Lopez Nunez, Juan Antonio; Pozo Sanchez, Santiago

Publicación: MATHEMATICS
VL / 7 - BP / - EP /
Educational technology is achieving great potential in the formative processes of today's society. Flipped learning is considered as a pedagogical innovation derived from the technological influence in learning spaces. The general objective of the research is to analyze the effectiveness of flipped learning on a traditional teaching and learning approach in the subject of Mathematics. To achieve this objective, an experimental design of a descriptive and correlational type has been followed through a quantitative research method. Two study groups have been set up. In the control group, the contents have been imparted from a traditional perspective, and in the experimental group, innovation has been applied through the use of flipped learning. The sample of participants has been chosen by means of intentional sampling and reached the figure of 60 students in the 4th year of Secondary Education at an educational center in Ceuta (Spain). A questionnaire has been used for data collection. The results reflect that the application of flipped learning has obtained better assessment in established attitudinal and mathematical indicators. It is concluded that with the use of flipped learning, motivation and skills are increased in the analysis and representation of graphs.

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