Toads modulate flight strategy according to distance to refuge

Javier Zamora-Camacho, Francisco

Publicación: ZOOLOGY
VL / 139 - BP / - EP /
Among antipredator behaviours, escaping and hiding in a refuge are widespread in nature. Frequently, threatened prey flee towards a refuge nearby, if available. Therefore, refuge proximity may affect the fleeing strategy of a prey. In this work, I tested this hypothesis in Epidalea calamita, a cursorial toad that flees by means of intermittent runs. In a linear runway in standardized conditions, toads were recorded while conducting a short-distance (refuge at 70 cm), a medium-distance (refuge at 140 cm, divided in two 70-cm tracks), and a long-distance trial (refuge at 210 cm, divided in three 70-cm tracks), in a random sequence. Video analyses permitted to calculate sprint speed and run rates (number of runs per meter) in each track. Distance to refuge affected toad flight strategy. Toads started flights at a faster speed in the short-distance trials. In the medium- and the long-distance trials, toads accelerated after the first track, seemingly not motivated by refuge proximity. In these trials, run rate was greater in the first tracks. Altogether, these findings suggest that threatened toads respond firstly with slow, intermittent movements, and only shift to less intermittent, faster sprints if the threat persists. However, run rate was lower in the short-distance trial than in the first tracks of the other trials, suggesting straighter (and faster) flight toward the refuge when it is close. The effects of refuge proximity were greater in males, which (jointly with faster sprint speed) could reflect a greater conspicuousness of males to predator resulting in better escape strategies.

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