eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for the identification of biologically relevant gene expression patterns in longitudinal human studies, insights from obesity research

Anguita-Ruiz, Augusto; Segura-Delgado, Alberto; Alcala, Rafael; Aguilera, Concepcion M.; Alcala-Fdez, Jesus

VL / 16 - BP / - EP /
Author summary Biological processes in humans are not single-gene based mechanisms, but complex systems controlled by regulatory interactions between thousands of genes. Within these gene regulatory networks, time-delay is a common phenomenon and genes interact each other within a four-dimension space. Hence, to fully understand or to control biological processes we need to unravel the principles of gene-gene temporal interactions. Until date, several approaches based on Artificial Intelligence methods have tried to address this issue. Nevertheless, the research community has claimed for more interpretable and biologically meaningful models. Particularly, scientists claim for methods able to infer gene-gene temporal interactions that could be later validated with real-life experiments at the lab. The recent revolution known as "eXplainable Artificial Intelligence" offers a solution for this issue, where a range of highly interpretable and explicable models has become available. Many of these methods could be applied to temporal gene expression data in order to decipher mentioned temporal gene-gene relationships in humans. Here, we propose and validate a new pipeline analysis including an eXplainable artificial intelligence method for the identification of comprehensible gene-gene temporal relationships from human intervention studies. Our method has been validated in six datasets from obesity research (consisting of low calorie diets interventions), where it was able to extract meaningful gene-gene temporal interactions with relevance the etiology of the disease. The application of our pipeline to other type of human temporal gene profiles would greatly expand our knowledge for complex biological processes, with a special interest for drug clinical trials, in which identified gene-gene regulatory interactions could reveal new therapeutic targets. Until date, several machine learning approaches have been proposed for the dynamic modeling of temporal omics data. Although they have yielded impressive results in terms of model accuracy and predictive ability, most of these applications are based on "Black-box" algorithms and more interpretable models have been claimed by the research community. The recent eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) revolution offers a solution for this issue, were rule-based approaches are highly suitable for explanatory purposes. The further integration of the data mining process along with functional-annotation and pathway analyses is an additional way towards more explanatory and biologically soundness models. In this paper, we present a novel rule-based XAI strategy (including pre-processing, knowledge-extraction and functional validation) for finding biologically relevant sequential patterns from longitudinal human gene expression data (GED). To illustrate the performance of our pipeline, we work on in vivo temporal GED collected within the course of a long-term dietary intervention in 57 subjects with obesity (GSE77962). As validation populations, we employ three independent datasets following the same experimental design. As a result, we validate primarily extracted gene patterns and prove the goodness of our strategy for the mining of biologically relevant gene-gene temporal relations. Our whole pipeline has been gathered under open-source software and could be easily extended to other human temporal GED applications.

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