Metal-Organic Framework Microsphere Formulation for Pulmonary Administration

Fernandez-Paz, Cristina; Rojas, Sara; Salcedo-Abraira, Pablo; Simon-Yarza, Teresa; Remunan-Lopez, Carmen; Horcajada, Patricia

VL / 12 - BP / 25676 - EP / 25682
Although nanoscaled metal-organic frameworks (nanoMOFs) are promising drug carriers, their appropriate formulation remains almost unexplored and basically restricted to intravenous routes. Lungs, beneficiating from a large absorption surface and low enzymatic presence, are a very attractive target for both local and systemic delivery. However, pulmonary nanoMOF formulation is a pending and defying task. Thus, we propose a pioneer nanoMOF-based microsphere system as a potential platform for pulmonary administration. A biocompatible nanoMOF was successfully encapsulated in mannitol by a simple and continuous spray-drying technique. Upon intratracheal administration to rats, the resulting formulation, exhibiting optimal properties (i.e., homogeneity, size, density, and spray-drying process yield), was able to release the intact nanoMOF carrier uniformly along the lungs, reaching the bronchioles and alveoli.

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