The Chalcolithic necropolis of Los Millares: Radiocarbon dating and an assessment of the diet and the environment from stable isotope analysis

Molina, Fernando; Mederos, Alfredo; Delgado-Huertas, Antonio; Antonio Camara, Juan; Pena, Victoria; Martinez, Rafael M.; Javier Esquivel, Francisco; Granados, Arsenio; Jimenez-Brobeil, Sylvia; Antonio Esquivel, Jose

VL / 77 - BP / 67 - EP / 86
The results of the isotopic analyses performed on human remains from the Chalcolithic necropolis of Los Millares are presented in this paper. These are contextualized chronologically by a series of radiocarbon dates and, a review of the graves' relative chronology. The dates show the megalithic necropolis was in use all along the occupation period of Los Millares, at least from 3100/3000 to 2200/2100 cal BC. The isotopic analysis results support the proposals for increasing aridity from 2400/2300 cal BC onwards. Diet is mainly based on land resources, proteins being usually taken from herbivores. However; a certain variability is found among sampled individuals because some of them may have consumed others products.

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