NN Scattering and Nuclear Uncertainties

Ruiz Arriola, Enrique; Enrique Amaro, Jose; Perez, Rodrigo Navarro

VL / 8 - BP / - EP /
Ab initio calculations in Nuclear physics for atomic nuclei require a specific knowledge of the interactions among their constituents, protons and neutrons. In particular, NN interactions can be constrained down to scale resolutions of Delta r similar to 0.6 fm from the study of phase shifts below the pion production threshold. However, this allows for ambiguities and uncertainties which have an impact on finite nuclei, nuclear- and neutron-matter properties. On the other hand the nuclear many body problem is intrinsically difficult and the computational cost increases with numerical precision and number of nucleons. However, it is unclear what the physical precision should be for these calculations. In this contribution we review much of the work done in Granada to encompass both the uncertainties stemming from the NN scattering database in light nuclei such as triton and alpha particle and the numerical precision required by the solution method.
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Gold, Green published