From salon music to Andalusian Holy-week: Antonio de la Cruz Quesada (1825-1889) and the origins of the Granada processional march

Carlos Galiano-Diaz, Juan

Publicación: MUSICA HODIE
VL / 20 - BP / - EP /
This paper enquires about the first processional marches dedicated to religious brotherhoods of Granada, pieces that integrated the soundscape of the Holy-Week in Granada from the Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy. For this purpose, a study and cataloging of different localized monumental sources has been conducted, carrying out a cross-analysis with the historical press and pertinent scientific literature on the subject. The results obtained suggest that Antonio de la Cruz Quesada, composer known for his production to salon music, was the pioneer in dedicating marches to religious brotherhoods in the city of the Alhambra, thus constituting the origin of the Granada processional march.

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