Flipped learning and good teaching practices in secondary education

Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; Soler-Costa, Rebeca; Marin-Marin, Jose-Antonio; Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus

Publicación: COMUNICAR
VL / 29 - BP / 107 - EP / 117
Flipped learning is a didactic method that requires the teacher to have a series of competences for its application. The aim of this research is to analyse the abilities of Spanish teachers of Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE) to develop good practices in flipped learning and to discover the factors which influence the development of good practices in these teachers. The research method is based on a quantitative methodology with a descriptive and correlational design. A total of 1,743 teachers in Spain participated in the study. The instrument used was the Flipped Classroom Teacher Scale (FCTS) questionnaire. The results show that 758 teachers, less than half the teachers surveyed, show competences to adequately develop a methodology based on flipped learning, where age, use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in education, time spent using them in the personal sphere, number of devices and teaching experience have an influence on the application of the method. The conclusion reached is that there is a linear relationship between institutional support, technological self-efficacy, teaching beliefs and teaching strategies for the development of good practices in flipped learning in the teachers analysed, so these factors are postulated as conditioning factors.

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Gold, Green published