Neutrino events within muon bundles at neutrino telescopes

Gutierrez, M.; Hernandez-Tome, G.; Illana, J. I.; Masip, M.

VL / 134 - BP / - EP /
The atmospheric neutrino flux includes a component from the prompt decay of charmed hadrons that becomes significant only at E >= 10 TeV. At these energies, however, the diffuse flux of cosmic neutrinos discovered by IceCube seems to be larger than the atmospheric one. Here we study the possibility to detect a neutrino interaction in down-going atmospheric events at km3 telescopes. The neutrino signal will always appear together with a muon bundle that reveals its atmospheric origin and, generically, it implies an increase in the detector activity with the slant depth. We propose a simple algorithm that could separate these events from regular muon bundles.
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Green submitted, Hybrid