Emblematic objects for societies in transition. An archaeological and archaeometric study of the sword of Serral de ses Abelles (Puigpunyent, Mallorca)

Sureda, Pau; Deya, Jaume; Galera, Pablo; Murillo-Barroso, Mercedes; Salva-Simonet, Bartomeu

VL / 40 - BP / - EP /
This paper presents the study of a sword found in Talayot del Serral de ses Abelles (Puigpunyent, Mallorca). The remarkable state of conservation of this sword and the fact that it is the only item of its kind documented in the 21st century in an archaeological excavation make it an exceptional find. The main purpose of this research is to characterise its technological and archaeological significance. The analytical information presented (C-14, XRF, ICP-MS, radiography, metallography, micro-hardness and LIA) makes possible the dating of one of these objects for the first time, and provides important information to understand the manufacturing process of this sword, its functionality, its social significance, as well as aspects related to the provenance of the copper ores used. Thus, our research provides essential information to understand these objects as emblematic items rather than functional weapons, and contextualises them within the Balearic Late Bronze Age societies and broader Western Mediterranean trading routes.

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