Agustín Millares Valenzuela

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Article Sentinel-1 DInSAR for Monitoring Active Landslides in Critical Infrastructures: The Case of the Rules Reservoir (Southern Spain) Reyes-Carmona, Cristina; Barra, Anna; Pedro Galve, Jorge; Monserrat, Oriol; Vicente Perez-Pena, Jose; Maria Mateos, Rosa; Notti, Davide; Ruano, Patricia; Millares, Agustin; Lopez-Vinielles, Juan; Miguel Azanon, Jose REMOTE SENSING (2020) DOI / 10.3390/rs12050809 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL / Gold, Green submitted
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Article Rapid characterisation of the extremely large landslide threatening the Rules Reservoir (Southern Spain) Reyes-Carmona, Cristina; Galve, Jorge Pedro; Moreno-Sanchez, Marcos; Riquelme, Adrian; Ruano, Patricia; Millares, Agustin; Teixido, Teresa; Sarro, Roberto; Perez-Pena, Jose Vicente; Barra, Anna; Ezquerro, Pablo; Lopez-Vinielles, Juan; Bejar-Pizarro, Marta; LANDSLIDES 1612-510X (2021) DOI / 10.1007/s10346-021-01728-z OPEN ACCESS LEVEL / Green submitted
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