Juan Lorite Moreno

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6 Indexed Publications in Altmetrics.com

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Article Plant conservation in Mediterranean-type ecosystems Salmeron-Sanchez, Esteban; Mendoza-Fernandez, Antonio Jesus; Lorite, Juan; Mota, Juan Francisco; Penas, Julio MEDITERRANEAN BOTANY 2603-9109 (2021) DOI / 10.5209/mbot.71333 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL / Gold
Mentions   2   Wikipedia   0   News   0   Policy
Article Molecular phylogeny and evolutionary history of Moricandia DC (Brassicaceae) Perfectti, Francisco; Gomez, Jose M.; Gonzalez-Megias, Adela; Abdelaziz, Mohamed; Lorite, Juan PEERJ 2167-8359 (2017) DOI / 10.7717/peerj.3964 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL / Gold, Green published, Green submitted
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