Fernando José Rojas Ruiz

60 InfluRatio
5 Indexed Publications in Altmetrics.com

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Article Vertical jump performance is affected by the velocity and depth of the countermovement Perez-Castilla, Alejandro; Javier Rojas, F.; Gomez-Martinez, Federico; Garcia-Ramos, Amador SPORTS BIOMECHANICS 1476-3141 (2019) DOI / 10.1080/14763141.2019.1641545 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL /
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Article Assessment of unloaded and loaded squat jump performance with a force platform: Which jump starting threshold provides more reliable outcomes? Perez-Castilla, Alejandro; Rojas, F. Javier; Garcia-Ramos, Amador JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS 0021-9290 (2019) DOI / 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2019.05.022 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL /

Computer Science

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Article Integration of RNA-Seq data with heterogeneous microarray data for breast cancer profiling Castillo, Daniel; Manuel Galvez, Juan; Javier Herrera, Luis; San Roman, Belen; Rojas, Fernando; Rojas, Ignacio BMC BIOINFORMATICS 1471-2105 (2017) DOI / 10.1186/s12859-017-1925-0 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL / Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Editorial Material Main findings and advances in bioinformatics and biomedical engineering- IWBBIO 2018 Valenzuela, Olga; Rojas, Fernando; Rojas, Ignacio; Glosekotter, Peter BMC BIOINFORMATICS 1471-2105 (2020) DOI / 10.1186/s12859-020-3467-0 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL / Green published, Gold
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