Miguel Burgos Poyatos

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3 Indexed Publications in Altmetrics.com

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Review Sex Maintenance in Mammals Jimenez, Rafael; Burgos, Miguel; Barrionuevo, Francisco J. GENES (2021) DOI / 10.3390/genes12070999 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL / Green published, Gold
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Article Deficiency of the onco-miRNA cluster, miR-106b similar to 25, causes oligozoospermia and the cooperative action of miR-106b similar to 25 and miR-17 similar to 92 is required to maintain male fertility Hurtado, Alicia; Palomino, Rogelio; Georg, Ina; Lao, Miguel; Real, Francisca M.; Carmona, F. David; Burgos, Miguel; Jimenez, Rafael; Barrionuevo, Francisco J. MOLECULAR HUMAN REPRODUCTION 1360-9947 (2020) DOI / 10.1093/molehr/gaaa027 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL /
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