Francisco Javier Manzano Moreno

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Materials Science

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Review Alveolar Bone Ridge Augmentation Using Polymeric Membranes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Toledano-Osorio, Manuel; Toledano, Manuel; Manzano-Moreno, Francisco Javier; Vallecillo, Cristina; Vallecillo-Rivas, Marta; Rodriguez-Archilla, Alberto; Osorio, Raquel POLYMERS (2021) DOI / 10.3390/polym13071172 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL / Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Article Doxycycline-Doped Polymeric Membranes Induced Growth, Differentiation and Expression of Antigenic Phenotype Markers of Osteoblasts Toledano-Osorio, Manuel; Manzano-Moreno, Francisco J.; Toledano, Manuel; Medina-Castillo, Antonio L.; Costela-Ruiz, Victor J.; Ruiz, Concepcion; Osorio, Raquel POLYMERS (2021) DOI / 10.3390/polym13071063 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL / Gold DOAJ, Green published
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