Ángel Luis Pey Rodríguez

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5 Indexed Publications in Altmetrics.com

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Article A mechanism for cancer-associated inactivation of NQO1 due to P187S and its reactivation by the consensus mutation H80R Munoz, Ines G.; Morel, Bertrand; Medina-Carmona, Encarnacion; Pey, Angel L. FEBS LETTERS 0014-5793 (2017) DOI / 10.1002/1873-3468.12772 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL / Bronze
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Article Insight into the specificity and severity of pathogenic mechanisms associated with missense mutations through experimental and structural perturbation analyses Medina-Carmona, Encarnacion; Betancor-Fernandez, Isabel; Santos, Jaime; Mesa-Torres, Noel; Grottelli, Silvia; Batlle, Cristina; Naganathan, Athi N.; Oppici, Elisa; Cellini, Barbara; Ventura, Salvador; Salido, Eduardo; Pey, Angel L. HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS 0964-6906 (2019) DOI / 10.1093/hmg/ddy323 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL / Bronze
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