María Dolores Moreno Herrero

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Article Do Envy and Compassion Pave the Way to Unhappiness? Social Preferences and Life Satisfaction in a Spanish City Espin, Antonio M.; Moreno-Herrero, Dolores; Sanchez-Campillo, Jose; Rodriguez Martin, Jose A. JOURNAL OF HAPPINESS STUDIES 1389-4978 (2018) DOI / 10.1007/s10902-016-9828-8 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL / Green accepted
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Article Factors that influence the level of financial literacy among young people: The role of parental engagement and students' experiences with money matters Moreno-Herrero, Dolores; Salas-Velasco, Manuel; Sanchez-Campillo, Jose CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW 0190-7409 (2018) DOI / 10.1016/j.childyouth.2018.10.042 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL /

Economics & Business

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Article Teaching financial education in schools and students' financial literacy: A cross-country analysis withPISAdata Salas-Velasco, Manuel; Moreno-Herrero, Dolores; Sanchez-Campillo, Jose INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FINANCE & ECONOMICS 1076-9307 (2020) DOI / 10.1002/ijfe.2005 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL /
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