Molecular sensitization patterns and influence of molecular diagnosis in immunotherapy prescription in children sensitized to both grass and olive pollen

Martinez-Canavate Burgos, Ana; Torres-Borrego, Javier; Molina Teran, Ana Belen; Luis Corzo, Jose; Esther Garcia, Blanca; Rodriguez Pacheco, Ramon; Moreno Aguilar, Carmen; Davila, Ignacio

VL / 29 - BP / 369 - EP / 374
BackgroundThe overlapping grass and olive pollen seasons in Spain and the phenomenon of cross-reactivity can make it difficult to determine the true causative agent of seasonal allergic rhinitis when only skin prick tests with whole extracts are used. The aim of the GRAMOLE study was to determine sensitization patterns to the major grass and olive pollen allergens detected using specific recombinant IgE and to explore how this knowledge affected physicians' choice of allergen-specific immunotherapy. MethodsEpidemiological, observational, multicenter, cross-sectional study. Results from children under 18years of age diagnosed with seasonal allergic rhinitis by positive skin prick tests to olive and grass pollen were analyzed. Specific IgE to Phl p 1+5, Ole e 1, and Phl p 7+12 was determined. Investigators specified the optimal composition of allergen immunotherapy before and after knowing the results of the molecular diagnosis. ResultsA total of 281 patients with a mean age of 13.4years were included. Double sensitization to both major allergens was found in vitro in 76% of children for an IgE cutoff point of 0.35kU/L. When the molecular diagnosis results were known, specialists changed the composition of the prescribed immunotherapy in 52.87% of cases. ConclusionsDouble sensitization to grass and olive pollen is common in Spain and also occurs in the pediatric population. Molecular diagnosis using specific IgE may help improve immunotherapy selection in polysensitized patients.

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