Methodology for Y Chromosome Capture: A complete genome sequence of Y chromosome using flow cytometry, laser microdissection and magnetic streptavidin-beads

Alvarez-Cubero, M. J.; Santiago, O.; Martinez-Labarga, C.; Martinez-Garcia, B.; Marrero-Diaz, R.; Rubio-Roldan, A.; Perez-Gutierrez, A. M.; Carmona-Saez, P.; Lorente, J. A.; Martinez-Gonzalez, L. J.

VL / 8 - BP / - EP /
This study is a comparison of the efficiency of three technologies used for Y chromosome capture and the next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies applied for determining its whole sequence. Our main findings disclose that streptavidin-biotin magnetic particle-based capture methodology offers better and a deeper sequence coverage for Y chromosome capture, compared to chromosome sorting and microdissection procedures. Moreover, this methodology is less time consuming and the most selective for capturing only Y chromosomal material, in contrast with other methodologies that result in considerable background material from other, non-targeted chromosomes. NGS results compared between two platforms, NextSeq 500 and SOLID 5500x1, produce the same coverage results. This is the first study to explore a methodological comparison of Y chromosome capture and genetic analysis. Our results indicate an improved strategy for Y chromosome research with applications in several scientific fields where this chromosome plays an important role, such as forensics, medical sciences, molecular anthropology and cancer sciences.

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