Isolation of functional mature peritoneal macrophages from healthy humans

Ruiz-Alcaraz, Antonio J.; Martinez-Banaclocha, Helios; Marin-Sanchez, Pilar; Carmona-Martinez, Violeta; Iniesta-Albadalejo, Miguel Angel; Tristan-Manzano, Maria; Tapia-Abellan, Ana; Garcia-Penarrubia, Pilar; Machado-Linde, Francisco; Pelegrin, Pablo; Marti

VL / 98 - BP / 114 - EP / 126
Macrophages play an important role in the inflammatory response. Their various biological functions are induced by different membrane receptors, including Toll-like receptors, which trigger several intracellular signaling cascades and activate the inflammasomes, which in turn elicit the release of inflammatory mediators such as cytokines. In this study, we present a novel method for the isolation of human mature peritoneal macrophages. This method can be easily implemented by gynecologists who routinely perform laparoscopy for sterilization by tubal ligation or surgically intervene in benign gynecological pathologies. Our method confirms that macrophages are the main peritoneal leukocyte subpopulation isolated from the human peritoneum in homeostasis. We showed that primary human peritoneal macrophages present phagocytic and oxidative activities, and respond to activation of the main proinflammatory pathways such as Toll-like receptors and inflammasomes, resulting in the secretion of different proinflammatory cytokines. Therefore, this method provides a useful tool for characterizing primary human macrophages as control cells for studies of molecular inflammatory pathways in steady-state conditions and for comparing them with those obtained from pathologies involving the peritoneal cavity. Furthermore, it will facilitate advances in the screening of anti-inflammatory compounds in the human system.

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