Rosa Ana Montes Soldado

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Article MonuMAI: Dataset, deep learning pipeline and citizen science based app for monumental heritage taxonomy and classification Lamas, Alberto; Tabik, Siham; Cruz, Policarpo; Montes, Rosana; Martinez-Sevilla, Alvaro; Cruz, Teresa; Herrera, Francisco NEUROCOMPUTING 0925-2312 (2021) DOI / 10.1016/j.neucom.2020.09.041 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL /
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Article EXplainable Neural-Symbolic Learning (X-NeSyL) methodology to fuse deep learning representations with expert knowledge graphs: The MonuMAI cultural heritage use case Diaz-Rodriguez, Natalia; Lamas, Alberto; Sanchez, Jules; Franchi, Gianni; Donadello, Ivan; Tabik, Siham; Filliat, David; Cruz, Policarpo; Montes, Rosana; Herrera, Francisco INFORMATION FUSION 1566-2535 (2021) DOI / 10.1016/j.inffus.2021.09.022 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL / Green published, Green submitted, Hybrid
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