Francisca Expósito Jiménez

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Article The Relationship Between the Motivation to Commit Infidelity and Negative Affect and Self-Esteem: How Cheating in Romance Might Signal Positive Well-Being in Adolescents Beltran-Morillas, Ana M.; Alonso-Ferres, Maria; Garrido-Macias, Marta; Villanueva-Moya, Laura; Sanchez-Hernandez, M. Dolores; Exposito, Francisca PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS 0033-2941 (2020) DOI / 10.1177/0033294120973947 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL /
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Article What is behind envy? Approach from a psychosocial perspective Navarro-Carrillo, Gines; Beltran-Morillas, Ana-Maria; Valor-Segura, Inmaculada; Exposito, Francisca REVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL 0213-4748 (2017) DOI / 10.1080/02134748.2017.1297354 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL /
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Article Women's Experience of Sexual Coercion and Reactions to Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Garrido-Macias, Marta; Valor-Segura, Inmaculada; Exposito, Francisca JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE 0886-2605 (2020) DOI / 10.1177/0886260520980394 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL /
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Article To Confront Versus not to Confront: Women's Perception of Sexual Harassment del Carmen Herrera, Maria; Herrera, Antonio; Exposito, Francisca EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY APPLIED TO LEGAL CONTEXT 1889-1861 (2018) DOI / 10.1016/j.ejpal.2017.04.002 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL / Gold DOAJ, Green published
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